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Music Therapy at Your Fingertips

We all know that singing along to our favorite song can instantly lift our spirits, and increase our chances of having a more positive day.  Music can soothe us, empower us, or energize us, depending on the kind we listen to.  Counseling Services of Greater Boston believes in both the professional practice of music therapy, and in the utilization of music as a coping skill.  In other, simpler terms: music is powerful.

British artist Luke Jerram, of the public piano installation “Street Pianos Boston: Play Me I’m Yours'”, knows this as well.  And fellow Bostonians, we are lucky, because his touring pianos are coming to Boston.  You read right – between September and October, there will be about 75 pianos installed in the Boston area, free for anyone to play.

We all know how expensive piano, guitar and voice lessons can be over time, which is part of the reason why this installation is genius.  At your fingertips – literally – will be the chance to sit down, relax, and flood our beautiful city with some equally beautiful music.

Read up here on the details of this beautiful project.

And as always, Counseling Services of Greater Boston is here if you need support.  Call us at (781) 328-1904×102.

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